

What are the Services We Provide?

ALTA Survey

ALTA/NSPS Land Title surveys are a standardized survey format that follows the most recent minimum standard detail requirements as set forth. 

Topographic Survey

A Topographic Survey is performed to locate improvements and topographic features like land elevations, contours, roads, and embankments.

Boundary Survey

The K-2 boundary survey provides the client with a re-survey of the subject parcel. Monumentation (staking) of record property corners in.

K-1 Staking

The K-1 boundary survey provides the client with a re-survey of the subject parcel. Monumentation (staking) of record property corners in.

Construction Stake-out

A construction stakeout survey involves driving wooden stakes in the ground to identify the location of designed improvements.

FEMA Certification

Elevation information is needed to show compliance with the flood plain management area in all identified Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs).